Back pain

Here is my story

  • After surgery I still had complications/troubles with:
  • I hurt my back when bending forward to pick up a small bag.
  • I’ve always been “aware” of my back but it was never this bad.
  • I now find difficulty with
    • Bending forward
    • Sitting for long periods
    • I feel “stiff” in my back when waking up in the morning.
    • I sometimes get a “sharp” shooting pain down my leg that comes unexpectedly
    • I seem to be fine when standing.

Their assessment

  • My pelvis was totally rotated – right iliac crest rotated forwards and the left iliac crest rotated backwards
  • My left hip joint had limited inward rotation – but perfect external rotation
  • I could not rotate my upper back to the left side at all
  • My core and glute muscles did not fire – due to rotated pelvis and pain
  • I had an extremely tight hamstring on the left
  • After testing and treating it was confirmed that the source of the rotation in my pelvis was a spasm in my left hamstring.

Their plan of action for me

  • I was told to foam roll and stretch my left hamstring
  • A specific exercise was given to improve the range of motion of my upper back to the left side only
  • Once my pelvis was aligned I was given core and glute exercises to stabilize the pelvis and improve my strength
  • Once my pelvis was aligned the problem with my left hip inward rotation improved and was equal to the right side
  • I can now include proper strength training exercises and engage in normal activities with less back pain